Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy

Kids 'R' Kids Learning Facility

When Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy needed to build a new 19,334 square foot childcare facility in Crystal Lake, Illinois on a tight timeframe, they chose Paragon. Paragon’s development team had to meet a shortened development and construction schedule in order to deliver the building to Kids ‘R” Kids by the end of July 2010 and coincide with fall enrollment and school schedules. Another challenge was groundbreaking in the month of January, which resulted in constructing the facility through a tough Chicago winter.

Paragon immediately met with the city, formulated project numbers and engages the landowner in contract discussions. Paragon was able to deliver the facility on the time and received the highest quality award from Kids ‘R’ Kids corporate. The opening was a huge success and today the facility is at capacity with an average of 225 children in attendance. The total project cost was $4.6M.